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Facebook Dynamic Ads

Support for installing and using AdCurve's Facebook Dynamic Connector

Sam O'Neill avatar
Written by Sam O'Neill
Updated over a week ago

Facebook Dynamic is a remarketing display advertising channel that leverages Facebook's extensive social networks to serve relevant and targeted adverts for your shop to visitors to your webshop.

Before getting started with Facebook Dynamic on AdCurve you'll need a Facebook Business account. If you don't have an account already, go to to get started.

Facebook Dynamic Contents:

1. Installing the Facebook Dynamic Connector
2. Upload your AdCurve feed to Facebook Business Product Catalogues
3. Advanced Facebook Tag settings

1. Installing the Facebook Dynamic Connector

The Facebook Dynamic connector for AdCurve can be found in the AdCurve Appstore. If you’re having difficulty finding it, try using the “Social” filter to narrow your results. Once you’ve opened the details page for Facebook Dynamic, press the “Install Connector” button to get started.

Step 1: Costs

The first step in the installation wizard is to enter your costs for Facebook Dynamic. AdCurve uses these costs to calculate your profit and return on investment (ROI).

The "Average CPC" is the average cost per click that you pay Facebook Dynamic. If possible, it's best to look back over several months of data in your Facebook Business account to estimate an average CPC.

If you find later that the average CPC you provided is not accurate, it can be updated at any time on the channel settings page. 

If you're new to Facebook Dynamic and just getting started, you might want to leave this field at $0.00 at first, and update it when you have some data from Facebook
on your click prices.

AdCurve is currently working on a cost connection with Facebook so that your real costs can be collected on a daily basis, eliminating the need for any estimation on your part. We'll ensure that all users of the Facebook Dynamic are informed when the cost connection is available.

Step 2. Tags

In the second step of the setup wizard you'll be asked for your "Pixel ID". AdCurve has preconfigured tags for Facebook Dynamic that will be placed on your webshop, but we need to know your unique identifier so Facebook can match the visits to your webshop with your Facebook Business account.

Your Pixel ID can be found in your Facebook Business account on the Pixels page available on the left navigation bar. If you have multiple pixels, make sure you select the correct one for the shop you're using AdCurve with.

If you're just getting started with Facebook Dynamic, and don't yet have a pixel, you can create one through Facebook Ad Manager.  When asked how you want to install the pixel, select the second option to copy and paste the code yourself, and then at the bottom of the page the "email instructions" options. From here, you'll be shown you're new pixel ID that you can copy and paste, as shown below:

Step 3. The AdCurve Feed.

The final step of Google Shopping installation is to select a feed to use.

Use the AdCurve Feed:

If you use the AdCurve feed, this will allow you to manage your feed, implement tips, and add additional content to your feed for Google Shopping. The optimization features in AdCurve rely on you using the AdCurve Feed.

Keep my Current Feed:

You can opt to keep your current feed. This will mean that you still have access to all the same data, but you won’t be able to make any changes or optimizations to your Google Shopping feed.

If you opt to use the AdCurve feed, you'll be asked about "Content rules" for your feed. These rules are the recommended default rules that we like to use for every campaign, and they'll ensure that only the correct products are advertised with Facebook Dynamic.

After completing this step the installation wizard will be complete and you’ll be redirected to the settings page for Facebook Dynamic. If for any reason the connector wizard did not complete, you can resume the setup process from the dashboard.

2. Upload your AdCurve feed to Facebook Business Product Catalogues

If you chose to use the AdCurve Feed, you'll now need to let Facebook know about the location of that new feed, so that they can use it to create a product catalogue.

Open the Product Catalogues in Facebook Business Manager and click Add New Product Catalogue, and then Create a New Product Catalogue.

You'll need to give your new product catalogue a name, and keep the default Products select as the type.

The next step will ask you to add additional people to your new catalogue, at this stage this step can be safely skipped, you can always add additional people later if needed.

Now that your Product Catalogue is created, you'll need to add a feed to import the products. Click the Add Product Feed button to start.

The next step is to give your feed a name, currency and schedule. 

It's important that you do chose Scheduled recurring uploads as this allows Facebook to regularly update your product catalogue to ensure that your ads and in synch with your stock levels and prices.

Finally, you'll need to set the schedule, and provide the location of your new feed. 

Facebook allows for a weekly, daily, or hourly upload of your feed. AdCurve generates a fresh, updated feed for your shop  regularly throughout the day, and we recommend setting the schedule to hourly to ensure that your ads are always up to date.

The Feed URL is where AdCurve hosts the file for your feed. This location is emailed to you when you finish the installation wizard for Facebook Dynamic. It can also be copied directly from Ad Management.

No username or password is required for the AdCurve feed and these fields can be left blank.

Once you've finished setting up your feed, Facebook will start importing your products and provide you with a report on how many products have been imported, and will let you know if there was any issue with the feed you've provided.

If there are any issues importing the feed, please contact AdCurve Support so that we can provide further assistance.

3. Advanced Facebook Tag settings

Adcurve provides a number of advanced tag settings for Facebook Dynamic that can be customized from your channel settings page.

The Pixel Id you will most likely have set up during the installation wizard, and is the unique identifier that matches up the tags on your webshop with your Facebook Business account.

Enable product page tracking tag is a setting that controls whether Facebook Dynamic's tracking tag will be activated when visitors view a product page on your shop. If activated, it will allow Facebook Dynamic to start serving targeted, re-marketing ads to that visitor for the product that they viewed.

Enable cart page tracking tag works in a similar way and if enable allows Facebook Dynamic to serve targeted ads for your shop to the visitor based on the products that they added to their cart.

Facebook Dynamic works best if both of these options are enabled, however if you wanted to be a little cautious when getting started with Facebook Dynamic, you may choose to enable only the cart tracking page tags first, and target ads only at visitors who added items to their cart but didn't complete checkout.

If both the product page and cart page tracking tags are disabled, Facebook Dynamic won't publish any ads for your shop. The channel relies on being able to track visitors to your webshop, and won't serve any ads if it's not tracking those visits.

Enable conversion tracking tag is a setting that notifies Facebook Dynamic once a visitor has placed an order, and makes sure that Facebook Dynamic stops targeting that visitor with ads for your products. For webshops it's always recommended that this setting is enabled.

If you need any further support with this topic, or if something is missing from our article, please don't hesitate to start a chat with us at any time using the Intercom button in the bottom right of your screen.

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