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Ad Management

Support Article for the Ad Management Tab in AdCurve

Sam O'Neill avatar
Written by Sam O'Neill
Updated over a week ago

The Ad Management tab in AdCurve is where you can see and manage the individual products you are selling in your shop. It can be found on the "Products" tab on the top navigation bar in AdCurve.

 (If a channel has already been selected from the left navigation panel, it will be called "Ads" instead)

Ad Management Contents:

1. Overview

2. Action Bar

3. Status Indicators

4. Filters

5. Rules

6. Feed

1. Ad Management Overview

On this tab you'll see a list of products from your shop, and a number of key metrics that we measure for each product ad. The metrics displayed will be over a set date range, which can be changed in the top right of the screen.

The columns show a total at the bottom, and can be sorted by any particular column by clicking on the title. Clicking the column title a second time will sort in the opposite direction. 

In the example above, the products in my shop are sorted by advertising costs in descending order.

If you're in the Overview mode on the left navigation panel, your options on the Ad Management Page will be limited. This view gives you an overview of products across all channels. Select a channel to go to a more detailed view. 

(If you're viewing AdCurve on a mobile device, or a computer with a small screen, you may see your publishers as a row of icons underneath the top navigation bar.)

Once a publisher is selected, the Ad Management tab will show you metrics for how each product in your shop has performed with that particular publisher. You can also click the title of an individual product to see a more detailed breakdown of the ad performance, and product details.

Selecting a publisher also enables the Ad Management Action Bar, which provides options for managing your product ads.

2. Action Bar

The Action Bar allows you to make changes to how products appear in your feed. You can activate or deactivate products, and add extra information Any actions you take will only affect the feed for the publisher you have selected in the left navigation panel.

Select a product or group of products using the tick boxes on the left. The number in brackets will indicate how many selected products an action would be applied to.

Activate and Deactive Products: 

Products can be manually activated or deactivated from your feed. This won't affect the product appearing in your shop, when you deactivate a product, AdCurve removes that product from the feed and the publisher will no longer create ads for it.

Manually activating or deactivating a product will prevent that product ad from being analysed by AdCurve and it will no longer be included in tips or rules (see Rules section below).

Additional Content

The following 4 action buttons allow you to add extra content or information to your products. Adding extra product information can help the quality and relevance of your product ads.

The content available to add will vary across channels. If one or all of these buttons are not displayed in Ad Management, it is because the channel you have selected does not support adding that type of content to to your feed.

Product Category - If the publisher requires Product Category Mapping, this action button allows you to map your products to the appropriate publisher category. More detail on how this works can be found in our article Product Mapping.

If you're unsure if this is necessary, check the support article for the specific publisher.

Bidding Groups - are a way of adding a specific Cost per Click bid, or named bidding group to your products for more active management of your ad spend. More detail on this topic can be found in our article Bidding Groups.

Age - If your product is for a specific age-group, you can specify this here, and it will be added to the product information supplied to the publisher.

Gender - This is mostly applicable to fashion items, it can be relevant to other categories as well. If your product is for a specific gender, you can specify this here, and the gender will be provided to the publisher. 


This action allows you to generate and download a CSV spreadsheet report of your products. If no filters are applied, then this report will include every product in your shop. You can make the report more specific by applying filters (see Filters section below) before generating the report.

3. Status Indicators

Status indicators appear next to a product in the Status column and will alert you at a glance of any special status for that product ad. More detail can always be found by hovering the mouse over the status icon.

Product Active

The active icon indicates that a product is currently active and included in your feed for this publisher. 

If the product has been manually activated, hovering the pointer over the the icon will show additional information about the manual activation.

Product Deactivated

The deactivated icon indicates that a product is not currently active and will not be included in the feed provided to this publisher. 

Hovering the pointer over the deactivated icon will show further information about the product deactivation. 

Changes Pending

The changes pending icon indicates that you've recently made changes to this product, and that these changes will become active the next time your feed is generated.


The quarantine icon indicates that a product is not currently being analysed by AdCurve to be included in Tips and Rules. This is normally applied to products that are new, or have recently been changed. 

Quarantine status is applied for 30 days to ensure that AdCurve has time to gather enough data to make an accurate analysis.

Remove Manual Action

Any actions that have been applied manually to a product in your shop can also be cancelled. For the product I have here, I've manually de-activated the product, and added an age-group. Because I've done this manually using the action bar, the product will ignore any rules that might change it's age-group, or status.

The Status Indicators with the red cross allow you remove this manual action, so that the product will be picked up and acted upon by your rules.

4. Filters

Filters are a way of choosing which of your products you see in Ad Management based on a set of customizable criteria. It allows you to create more detailed views of specific products, or apply actions to products based on the filter criteria.

In the example below, I wanted to see only PlayStation products that had generated a profit. I set up two filters, the first for product names that contain "PlayStation", and a second filter to find products with a profit greater than 0.

Filters can be a very powerful way to apply actions like product mapping or bidding groups to large numbers of products at once.

5. Rules

A rule is a way of setting up a filter and an action to be applied automatically each time your feed is generated. Once you've filtered your products, select an action to apply. 

In this example I was adding a number of inexpensive items to my store, and I didn't want these products to be advertised with the publisher. First I created filter to view only products with a selling price of less than $9.99, then selected "Deactivate"

By default, AdCurve will attempt to create a rule to apply the same action to all future products that would match those filters. So in this case any new products added to my shop that are less than $9.99 would be automatically deactivated.

 If you untick the check-box, no rule will be created and the action will be applied as a one off event, and not affect any future products that match the filters.

Once created, rules can be viewed under the Rules Tab on the right hand side of the Ad Management Screen.

A rule you've created previously can't be modified, but it can be paused, or removed completely. Clicking on the rule will filter the products table to show only the products that would affected by the rule.

6. Feed

The feed tab shows the status of your feed for the publisher. 

The number of active products included in the feed, the most recent feed generation, and feed collection are displayed. 

The action bar allows you to copy the feed location, preview the feed, email the a link to the feed location, and to manually generate a feed.

Feeds are typically generated every 2-3 hours, but you can update changes you've made immediately by manually generating the feed using this button.

More detailed information about feeds can be found in our Feed Management article.

If you need any further support with Ad Management, or if something is missing from our article, please don't hesitate to start a chat with us at any time using the Intercom button in the bottom right of your screen.

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